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VOLVER A PRESENTACIÓN DE Dictamen acerca de la mujer.

TRADUCCIÓN Dictamen acerca de la mujer.   II Congreso Obrero de la Federación Regional Española. Zaragoza 1872

Versión en castellano: Dictamen acerca de la Mujer

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Traducido al Inglés por Pablo Tamayo López. Alumno de 2º Bachillerato A. IES Alhamilla. 2019

Dictum about Woman. II Worker´s Congress of the Regional Spanish Federation.

(Zaragoza, 4-11 April 1872) (*)

Lorenzo gave a lecture in a dictum of the Federal Congress in which, in fulfillment of

the agreement by the Congress of Barcelona, treated the issues that remained unanswered in said Congress.

...of the second of Fornells´ resolutions, which asks: Trying in the best possible way

to emancipate women from every job that is not domestic.

About women

To our judgment, this motion is the daughter of a concern; it is inspired in a traditional sentimentalism that needs to disappear in front of the observations and knowledge with which social science is enriched every day, because above all else lies truth and economic fatality.

Those who seek to emancipate the woman from work for her to exclusively dedicate to home, to family care, presume that this is her only mission; for which they assert she has special faculties that would be opposed if taken out of what they call her core.

Those who assert this presume that the current family composition is undying, and this is the main basis of their opinion. But the facts, following a severe logic, regardless of every sentimentality and every concern, varying the economic conditions of societies, specially in the form of the property, are that social institutions vary aswell.

We will not enter here in this assertment´s demonstration, since we already did elsewhere, as you will have the opportunity to see. Hence we will limit ourselves to expose the following considerations:

The woman is a free and intelligent being, thereby responsible for her acts, just as a man;if this is so, the must is to place her in conditions of freedom for her to unfold according to her faculties. However, if we relegate women exclusively to home labour, it is submiting, as up until now, to man´s dependence, and as such removing their freedom.

What way is there to place woman in conditions of freedom? There is no way other than work. But it will be said: women´s work is the origin of big immoralities, it causes the race´s degeneration and disturbs the relations between capital and workship to the detriment of the workers, for the concurrence they suffer from women. To this we answer: the root of this issues is not in women´s work, but in the monopoly that the exploiting class performs; transform the individual property into colective property and see how everything changes completely.

The matter of the family and, therefore, the matter of duties and rights of women, is so intimately attached to the property´s way of being that we believe ourselves to be exempted of treating it here, since we already did its study in another dictum that we must submit to your consideration.

Meanwhile, we believe that our duty regarding women is to make them enter the proletarian movement, in order for them to contribute to the common goal, the triumph of our cause, the emancipation of the proletariat, since, as well as there is no difference between sexes regarding exploitation, neither should there be regarding justice.

The Federal Council,Ángel Mora.— Valentín Saenz.— Inocente Calleja.— Paulino Iglesias.— José Mesa.— Anselmo Lorenzo.— Hipólito Pauly.— Víctor Pagés.—Francisco Mora.

Pagés proposed that every time that multiple of the assertments made in this last dictum were based on reasonings contained in the dictum about The Property, which should be read later, could be instantly read for the delegates to better appreciate this work.

Consulted the congress, he agreed.

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